FASHION Workshop in Mahama Camp, Rwanda

Vocational Training


Many of the refugees living in Mahama camp fled the violence in Burundi with only the clothes they were wearing, and now they are living in Mahama Camp with nothing. They have to rely almost entirely on the aid assistance from organizations, like the UNHCR. Vocational Training seeks to empower young refugees in Mahama Camp, especially women through teaching them dressmaking skills to overcome persistent lack of job and income. While having few opportunities to work and contribute to their community, they will learn to sew and develop entrepreneurial skills through the training offered by Maison Shalom. This program develops refugees’ skills and increase their entrepreneurial abilities.


Maison Shalom has built a sewing workshop within Mahama Camp to produce and sell items made by refugees in the workshop. We strive to provide a safe, welcoming place where they can gather to sew and to create beautiful and marketable items. Sewing machines have been acquired by Maison Shalom and installed at the sewing workshop within the camp under the supervision and responsibility of Maison Shalom’s staff with the help of other partners who work in the Camp.